
PT. Agung Podomoro Land Tbk ("PB") In 2012 Agung Podomoro Land spread their wings at Balikpapan, East Borneo. And manage Plaza Balikpapan who used to known as Balikpapan Center (BC), a mall that located in the most strategic commercial area in Balikpapan, is an established commercial precinct having the busiest mall, tradecentre, and entertainment complex set onsite Plaza Balikpapan. |
As the first mall in Balikpapan, is located in juntion of 3 major artery roads in Balikpapan, surrounded by commercial buildings,international hotel, offices, banks, and shop - house complex .
with close proximity to the international airport. It occupies a land size about 8.08 hectares (with the reclaimation), it is becoming the icon of Balikpapan.
Interested in leasing or joining us at our mall or trade centre? Download our Company Profile (Coming Soon) to find out more about us.
Management Office PT. Pandega Citra Kelola
Jl. Jendral Sudirman No. 1, Klandasan llir, Balikpapan 76113
Kalimantan Timur, Indonesia
Phone :
(+62) 542 424 000 / 542 7352 72
(+62) 542 4242 00 / 542 7351 23
info@plaza-balikpapan.com |